220 George Street

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Consultation has concluded

Application Type:
Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers:
OPA No. 34, ZBA 06-2021-85 of 2002

Applicant: Xoana Corporation
Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (c/o Jay McGuffin)

Public Meeting:
July 12, 2021 at 12:00pm

What's Proposed?

Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the conversion of the existing church building into a multi-unit residence, as well as the conversion of the sanctuary into an auditorium and associated accessory uses.

The applicant has requested to amend the Official Plan designation from an 'Urban Residential' designation to 'Apartment Residential' and to rezone the lands from an Urban Residential 2-1 (UR2-1) Zone to an Urban Residential 4 (UR4) Zone with site specific provisions to permit the auditorium, multi-unit residential, accessory uses and recognize existing conditions regarding setbacks and height.

Application Type:
Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers:
OPA No. 34, ZBA 06-2021-85 of 2002

Applicant: Xoana Corporation
Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (c/o Jay McGuffin)

Public Meeting:
July 12, 2021 at 12:00pm

What's Proposed?

Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the conversion of the existing church building into a multi-unit residence, as well as the conversion of the sanctuary into an auditorium and associated accessory uses.

The applicant has requested to amend the Official Plan designation from an 'Urban Residential' designation to 'Apartment Residential' and to rezone the lands from an Urban Residential 2-1 (UR2-1) Zone to an Urban Residential 4 (UR4) Zone with site specific provisions to permit the auditorium, multi-unit residential, accessory uses and recognize existing conditions regarding setbacks and height.

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Area Map

almost 4 years

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.