Clearwater Community Centre Master Plan

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The Clearwater Community Centre in the City of Sarnia was built over two phases in the 1970s and early 1980s. The facility today consists of two ice pads and associated change room space, existing public meeting room space, and the Sports Hall of Fame. In 2024, new amenities to the property were added including a new City transit terminal and a public library that occupies the second floor of the facility.

The site itself has not benefited from significant investment over the years and there are considerable capital needs now facing the property and the main buildings. With the decision to re-invest in community infrastructure in terms of the library and transit terminal, the City is developing a master plan to provide an integrated vision for the overall site to advance its modernization through investment in the coming years.

Project Goals

A master plan provides the road map to re-invest in this community facility over the coming years through a phased approach.

The Clearwater Community Centre is utilized by many people, both from inside and outside the community, for a variety of recreational amenities. The master plan aims to:

  • Improve accessibility
  • Improve flow and access to the building
  • Consider future expansions
  • Improve the user experience
  • Meet sustainability targets
  • Extend the building lifespan

The Clearwater Community Centre in the City of Sarnia was built over two phases in the 1970s and early 1980s. The facility today consists of two ice pads and associated change room space, existing public meeting room space, and the Sports Hall of Fame. In 2024, new amenities to the property were added including a new City transit terminal and a public library that occupies the second floor of the facility.

The site itself has not benefited from significant investment over the years and there are considerable capital needs now facing the property and the main buildings. With the decision to re-invest in community infrastructure in terms of the library and transit terminal, the City is developing a master plan to provide an integrated vision for the overall site to advance its modernization through investment in the coming years.

Project Goals

A master plan provides the road map to re-invest in this community facility over the coming years through a phased approach.

The Clearwater Community Centre is utilized by many people, both from inside and outside the community, for a variety of recreational amenities. The master plan aims to:

  • Improve accessibility
  • Improve flow and access to the building
  • Consider future expansions
  • Improve the user experience
  • Meet sustainability targets
  • Extend the building lifespan
Page last updated: 22 May 2024, 12:22 PM