Commemorative Asset Program

At its meeting held on July 16, 2018, Sarnia City Council adopted the Commemorative Bench and Commemorative Tree & Forest Policies and Procedures document.
Each year the City of Sarnia receives many requests from individuals, groups and organizations wishing to purchase a commemorative bench or tree to be placed on municipal parkland, including the waterfront and along the Howard Watson Nature Trail. Figure 1, within the "Report - Memorial Programs - Policy Changes" document, identifies the number of applications received since the policy was first adopted in 2018, showing the significant increase in demand for the memorial bench service over the last 4 years.
All of the program update recommendations will help establish a clear application process, available locations for the public, and defined installation and renewal timelines. Municipalities across the province are already using online portals to accept application requests, and have pre-approved locations available online for the public to view.
Recommendations for Consideration
Based on amenities and operational needs, staff have identified the following recommendations for the revised policy and process:
- Application Process: applications available online for any Commemorative Asset will be accepted starting on January 1 of each year. Approval will be communicated within 30 days of submission.
- Application and Installation Capacity: a total of 10 applications per calendar year per asset will be accepted to ensure efficient and manageable installations, and equal opportunity for the public to obtain an commemoration. Having a capacity limit for applications will also make sure the program is sustainable and able to continue for years to come.
- Installation Process: Installation of the asset will be scheduled between May 1 and October 31, weather dependent.
- Pre-Approved Locations: pre-approved asset locations are to be established each year and made available online through the ArcGIS online mapping software. Applicants will be able to select a pre-approved location to obtain an Asset ID number, which will be included in their application to ensure the locations are known be staff and the applicant from the start of the process.
- Sponsorship Period and Renewal: the sponsorship period will be 10 years to make sure the items remain safe and appealing, and that there is a fair opportunity for the general public to participant in the public. The 10 year sponsorship is also consistent with other municipalities commemorative programs. Applicants will have the option to renew for an additional 10 years or less for a reduced fee to cover any maintenance, refurbishing, or replacement on the item.
Please review the document "Report - Memorial Programs - Policy Changes" for more detailed information on this project and the above recommendations.
Public Feedback
Through the public consultation efforts, staff are looking for input through the below methods:
- Online Survey below - Commemorative Asset Survey
- Written Feedback below - Commemorative Asset Written Feedback
Deadline for public feedback is March 30, 2022 - this public consultation has closed.
*Personal Information Collection Notice - The City of Sarnia collects personal information from the public feedback made to the City of Sarnia and/or its Committees under the legal authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Public feedback to proposals is considered to be public record pursuant to the Act. Please be aware that if you are submitting correspondence to the City of Sarnia relating to a proposal, your name, contact information and communications will become part of the public record that will be available to the general public. Questions about this collection should be addressed to the City Clerk, 2nd floor, City Hall, 255 Christina Street North, Sarnia, ON N7T 7N2. Tel. 519-519-0330. Email: clerks