1115 Confederation Street

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Application Type:
Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers:
OPA No. 7 & ZBA 4-2024-85 of 2002

Public Meeting:

What's Proposed?

Please be advised that Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (c/o Jay McGuffin) submitted the above-noted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the property municipally known as 1115 Confederation Street.

These applications are as follows:

OPA No. 7
To Amend the City of Sarnia Official Plan to add a site and area-specific policy to the Prestige Employment Designation to permit retail as a primary permitted use on the subject lands municipally addressed as 1115 Confederation Street.

ZBA No. 4-2024-85 of 2002
To amend the existing Light Industrial 1-4 (LI1-4) site zoning to add retail as a primary permitted use. These proposed changes are to re-instate retail as a primary permitted use, an existing legal non-conforming use when Zoning By-law No. 85 of 2002 was adopted. The Owner is proposing to build a new large retail facility on the southern section of the existing site.

All submission materials are available for review under the 'Documents' section.

Application Type:
Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers:
OPA No. 7 & ZBA 4-2024-85 of 2002

Public Meeting:

What's Proposed?

Please be advised that Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (c/o Jay McGuffin) submitted the above-noted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the property municipally known as 1115 Confederation Street.

These applications are as follows:

OPA No. 7
To Amend the City of Sarnia Official Plan to add a site and area-specific policy to the Prestige Employment Designation to permit retail as a primary permitted use on the subject lands municipally addressed as 1115 Confederation Street.

ZBA No. 4-2024-85 of 2002
To amend the existing Light Industrial 1-4 (LI1-4) site zoning to add retail as a primary permitted use. These proposed changes are to re-instate retail as a primary permitted use, an existing legal non-conforming use when Zoning By-law No. 85 of 2002 was adopted. The Owner is proposing to build a new large retail facility on the southern section of the existing site.

All submission materials are available for review under the 'Documents' section.

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7 months

Page last updated: 29 Jul 2024, 11:22 AM