1550 Confederation Line

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Consultation has concluded.

Application Type:

Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers:
OPA No. 43, ZBA 4-2022-85 of 2002

Owner: Tony D'Andrea and Maria D'Andrea
Applicant: Mellon Inc.
Agent: George Murray Shipley Bell, LLP C/O Ed Litrenta

Public Meeting:

July 25, 2022 at 1pm

What's Proposed?

Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the development of a new office and warehouse use with open storage for an electrical contractor at 1550 Confederation Line.

The proposed amendments are:

Official Plan Amendment No. 43

Is to amend the ‘Mixed-Use’ designation, to permit a “Contractor’s Yard” with an open storage area as additional permitted uses on the site; and

Zoning By-law Amendment No. 4-2022-85 of 2002

Is to change the zoning of the subject lands from the existing ‘Community Commercial 1-18 (COC1-18)’ Zone, to a new site-specific Community Commercial 1-32 (COC1-32) Zone, to permit a “Contractor’s Yard” with accessory open storage area in the rear yard, as new permitted uses in addition to the uses permitted in the COC1-18 Zone, and to provide new zone regulations for this zone.

If approved all new developments would proceed in accordance with an approved Site Plan Control Agreement.

The following were submitted in support of the application and are currently being reviewed by staff and agencies.

Application Type:

Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment

File Numbers:
OPA No. 43, ZBA 4-2022-85 of 2002

Owner: Tony D'Andrea and Maria D'Andrea
Applicant: Mellon Inc.
Agent: George Murray Shipley Bell, LLP C/O Ed Litrenta

Public Meeting:

July 25, 2022 at 1pm

What's Proposed?

Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the development of a new office and warehouse use with open storage for an electrical contractor at 1550 Confederation Line.

The proposed amendments are:

Official Plan Amendment No. 43

Is to amend the ‘Mixed-Use’ designation, to permit a “Contractor’s Yard” with an open storage area as additional permitted uses on the site; and

Zoning By-law Amendment No. 4-2022-85 of 2002

Is to change the zoning of the subject lands from the existing ‘Community Commercial 1-18 (COC1-18)’ Zone, to a new site-specific Community Commercial 1-32 (COC1-32) Zone, to permit a “Contractor’s Yard” with accessory open storage area in the rear yard, as new permitted uses in addition to the uses permitted in the COC1-18 Zone, and to provide new zone regulations for this zone.

If approved all new developments would proceed in accordance with an approved Site Plan Control Agreement.

The following were submitted in support of the application and are currently being reviewed by staff and agencies.

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Area Map - 1550 Confederation Line

almost 3 years

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.