Backyard Chickens - Animal Control By-Law Review

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In response to a request to City Council, we’re looking at some of the rules surrounding the keeping of hens in non-agricultural areas, specifically the size and number of such hens permitted.

What’s Currently Permitted

The City’s current Animal Control By-Law currently allows for the keeping of a maximum of twelve bantam or miniature chickens for the purposes of cultivating eggs. These chickens may be kept on lands or premises not zoned agricultural or open space within the City of Sarnia.

They are required to be kept in suitable cages, pens, enclosures; located in a rear yard; and at least three metres from all lot lines and 10 metres from any church, school, dwelling or other premises used for human habitation.

Only hens are permitted, roosters are not permitted under the by-law.

What We’re Reviewing

We’re looking at the size of what hens would be permitted, specifically should we allow a limited number of larger standard sized hens and exactly how many such larger hens should be permitted.

Larger standard sized hens produce more, and larger, eggs, however due to their size also produce more odor and waste.

Provide your Input

We want to hear from you. Complete the short survey below by August 16, 2024 at 4 p.m., to help us better understand the public’s interest in a potential change to the Animal Control By-Law as it relates to backyard chickens.

In response to a request to City Council, we’re looking at some of the rules surrounding the keeping of hens in non-agricultural areas, specifically the size and number of such hens permitted.

What’s Currently Permitted

The City’s current Animal Control By-Law currently allows for the keeping of a maximum of twelve bantam or miniature chickens for the purposes of cultivating eggs. These chickens may be kept on lands or premises not zoned agricultural or open space within the City of Sarnia.

They are required to be kept in suitable cages, pens, enclosures; located in a rear yard; and at least three metres from all lot lines and 10 metres from any church, school, dwelling or other premises used for human habitation.

Only hens are permitted, roosters are not permitted under the by-law.

What We’re Reviewing

We’re looking at the size of what hens would be permitted, specifically should we allow a limited number of larger standard sized hens and exactly how many such larger hens should be permitted.

Larger standard sized hens produce more, and larger, eggs, however due to their size also produce more odor and waste.

Provide your Input

We want to hear from you. Complete the short survey below by August 16, 2024 at 4 p.m., to help us better understand the public’s interest in a potential change to the Animal Control By-Law as it relates to backyard chickens.

Page last updated: 04 Sep 2024, 09:44 AM