Draft Recommendations Memo
Phase II Complete
Phase II of the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) project is now complete with the release of the Draft Recommendations Memo. The document summarizes the draft recommendations for the CIP project areas of Downtown, Mitton Village and Northgate including:
- Overarching directions;
- Visualizing opportunities for change; and
- Private realm incentive programs.
This phase also included the virtual workshops that took place on October 7th, 2020. A copy of the presentations and video recordings is available under the 'Documents' and 'Videos' sections on the right hand side.
As we near the end of this project, there are some key dates to look forward too:
Monday November 9, 2020
The project team will present preliminary recommendations to Council as part of this Council Strategic Planning Session.
Monday November 23, 2020
The statutory Public Meeting will be held before Council to receive public comments on the proposal program.
Monday December 7, 2020
The final CIP document will be presented to Council for their consideration.
Consultation has concluded.